Carnitine 500 ml


Carnitine is a natural amino acid known worldwide for its fat-burning effect, and is used above all for weight loss and weight control.


Carnitine is a natural amino acid known worldwide for its fat-burning effect, and is used above all for weight loss and weight control. When L-carnitine is consumed, it sticks to the fatty acids in our body and mobilises them towards the mitochondria, which favours fat burning, and this also gives us more energy for our workouts.

What is PURE CARNITINE 2.000?

PURE CARNITINE 2.000 by ERIX NUTRITION is a supplement based on L-carnitine, created especially to meet the needs of all those people who, for whatever reason, need to reduce the amount of fatty acids accumulated in their body. Carnitine has the ability to encourage fats located in areas such as the stomach or hips to be transported to the cellular mitochondria, where they are metabolised or ‘burned’ to extract energy from them. In addition, PURE CARNITINE 2,000 from ERIX NUTRITION has a formula that adds to its main element (l-carnitine) others to improve assimilation and its fat burning effects, such as Vitamin B6 and Chromium.


Weight loss and muscle definition are two of the most common objectives in the world of fitness, and also two of the most difficult. In both, the reduction of accumulated fat is an indispensable condition, and PURE 2,000 from ERIX NUTRITION comes to the market to position itself as a perfect ally in these cases. As already mentioned, one of the functions of L-carnitine in the body is to promote the transport and metabolism of fatty acids. Thus, by taking PURE CARNITINE 2,000 from ERIX NUTRITION, the body eliminates a greater quantity of fats than it would eliminate on a daily basis. The most obvious benefit is the disappearance of these fatty acids.